Making the best cafetiere coffee

Making the best cafetiere coffee

Hopefully this little guide will give you a really good cafetiere coffee. If you have any tweaks or recommendations, we'd love to hear them. The below method is for making a 1 litre cafetiere.

Before you start:

Grab yourself some coarse ground Coffee Hound coffee coffee
(Approx 60 grams if you have a medium roast)

A kettle with approx 1 litre (1000 grams) of water

Small coffee scales and a timer

1 Litre Cafetière

Our method:

The recipe can be adjusted depending on the size of your cafetière.

  1. Boil your kettle.
  2. Once boiled. Pour into your cafetiere to preheat.
  3. Once warm dispose of water.
  4. Place the cafetière on the scales and zero the scales.
  5. Weigh in the approx 60 grams of ground coffee. (We use a 1 litre)
  6. Add more water to the kettle and boil again.
  7. Once boiled, open the lid for a minute to let the water cool slightly. It should be about 93-94 degrees.
  8. Zero the scales and pour the hot water into the cafetiere making sure to saturate all the coffee grounds. (You are looking for 1 litre / 1000 grams of water)
  9. Start your timer for 4 mins.
  10. After 4 minutes – Stir the coffee making sure to break the crust that has formed on the surface.
  11. Leave to stand for a further 4 minutes, you should start to see the coffee sink to the bottom.
  12. Place the lid on the cafetiere and plunge slowly.
  13. Pour into warmed mugs and enjoy!

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